Our new Periscope account!
October 16, 2015
The Periscope account for the Enclave Suites is all set up. If you are already familiar with Periscope, please follow us @EnclaveORL to watch the fun and informative live videos we will be broadcasting from now on.
If you are wondering what Periscope is, I’ll give you a bit of information: Periscope is an application that allows users to broadcast LIVE videos. You can download the app to your phone and follow people and businesses that already have a Periscope account.
You will then set your settings to determine if you want to be notified or not when somebody you follow is broadcasting live. We recommend to leave the notifications on, so you don’t miss any broadcasts. You will then click on the notification and that will send you straight to the live video. Once you’re watching live, you can go ahead and type in questions and the broadcaster will answer them. It’s an amazing tool that we are very happy to use to help our guests get to know our hotel, our brand and our city better!
If you have a twitter account you can download the Periscope app and sign in with Twitter to register and follow us. Our account is @EnclaveORL and we show live videos of our hotel rooms, pool area, hotel surroundings, activities, seasonal events and more.
Please note that these videos are only available to be watched again on Periscope or Twitter for 24 hours after the original video goes live. But there is a way to save the videos to your phone, so you can watch or share it later.
The more people you follow, the more fun Periscope is, but you can always see who is broadcasting live by looking at the world glove icon on the app. That will open up a map with red dots indicating a broadcast is happening live in that area. That allows you to see live videos of people all over the world. Periscope actually says they wanted to build, “the closest thing to teleportation” and we think they got it!
Please follow us @EnclaveORL and let us know if you have any questions! We would love to hear from you!